Donnerstag, 23. Februar 2012


The following have been deduced from Terranigma.

"But our children are carried by the wind and moving animals" and most likely something about being planted in the ground all over.

However, I think the first two symbols after the second space on the first line is probably idiomatically seed. The first symbol by itself is most likely child.

I think that symbol after "move" is most likely an animal or being of some sort.

"It's a sad story Ark. This was once the kingdom of birds."

I think the first symbol on the first line means sad. And I think the character before the space in the last line means kingdom.

ふいてく - to blow (not sure if this is the original form, but it looks something like this)

"Suit of feathers"

First symbol is most likely feathers.

Text in yellow: "Wind valley"
The last symbol is most likely valley. I saw those three symbols being mentioned elsewhere by another bird who was talking about there being no wind this year.

"I hear the chattering of birds."

Could be chattering or chipring, or just sounds in general. --> ささやき
I've seen it enough times now, so I think the -たち suffix is used for plural.
Also, the symbol after the space on the second line means to hear.

"...I would like to give you this. It is the wind medal."

さしあげる - to give, offer, etc.

"If (you) use this medal..." (This is the part where they usually explain what the pin does after they give it to you.)

Just another example of the えば ending being used for a conditional clause.

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